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Steam Holiday Sale! (10%-90% korting op alles!)

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Door Thomper (106 reacties) op 26-12-2008 23:06
Weet niet goed in welk subforum ik het anders het beste kan doen, dus als het fout staat, excuses.
Steam heeft alles in de aanbieding gegooid! Deze digitale PC-download service heeft alles minstens 10% afgeprijsd, maar er zit ook spul met 25-50-75 en zelfs 90% korting tussen. Wat dacht je van Bioshock voor 5 euro, Beyond Good & Evil voor 3,75, of Doom II en Bejeweled Deluxe voor 99 cent? Hieronder maar even de volledige lijst gekopieerd van iemand van het Steam-forum; dat zijn echter wel de dollar-prijzen, er kan wat verschil tussen zitten voor Europa, maar dat kun je zelf bekijken op Steampowered.com.

> NS: Provides no savings over purchasing games individually

50% Off

Best of the Underground - $9.99
Civilization IV Complete Pack (Civ IV Complete - Western Europe) [5] - $24.99
Classic Naval Combat Pack - $9.99
Complete Naval Combat Pack - $14.99
Dawn of War - Platinum Edition (Dawn of War Platinum DE) [1] - $14.99
Dawn of War Anthology (Australia Only) - $29.99
FlatOut Pack (FlatOut Pack DE - $7.49
id Super Pack[2] - $34.99
Jagged Alliance 2 / Disciples II Gold Combo - $14.99
Last Day of Work Complete Pack - $14.99
Multiwinia + Darwinia - $7.49
Pacific Storm Pack - $7.49
Space Empires IV and V Pack - $9.99
Unreal Deal Pack[2] - $19.99
Warhammer Everything ROW - $29.99
Warhammer Everything AU/NZ - $34.97
X2/X3 Pack - $12.49

35% Off

Crazy Machines Complete Pack - $33.49
Strategy First Complete Pack - $48.74
X3 Pack - $26.79

25% Off
Blazing Angels Pack[5] - $18.74
Call of Duty: War Chest[2] - $29.99
Company of Heroes: Gold (Company of Heroes Gold DE) - $22.49
Complete PopCap Collection - $74.99
Full Spectrum Warrior Complete Pack[2] - $11.49
Heroes of Might And Magic V Pack[5] - $29.99
MumboJumbo Collection - $29.99
Petz Pack[5] - $14.99
Prince of Persia Pack[5] - $48.74
Railroad Tycoon Collection[5] - $18.74
Relic Super Pack (Relic Super Pack DE) - $37.49
Silent Hunter Collection[5] - $22.49
THQ Collector Pack (THQ Collector Pack DE) [4] - $74.99
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Complete Pack[5] - $29.99
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Collection[5] - $37.49
Valve Complete Pack (Valve Complete Pack DE) - $74.99
X-COM: Complete Pack[5] - $11.24

10% Off
Bone Pack - $13.49
Children of the Nile Pack NS - $18.74
Counter-Strike 1 Anthology - $13.49
Counter-Strike Complete NS - $26.99
Counter-Strike: Source + Garry's Mod - $22.49 (Buy individually)
Crysis Complete Pack NS - $53.99
DOOM Pack Complete[2] - $35.99
DOOM 3 Pack[2] - $26.99
Eidos Collector Pack (Eidos Collector Pack DE) - $89.99
Family Gaming Pack NS - $35.99
Garry's Mod + Team Fortress 2 - $22.49 (Buy individually)
Grand Theft Auto Collection (GTA Collection - Western Europe) [5] - $26.99
GTR Evolution Complete - $26.99 (Buy individually)
Half-Life Complete - $44.99
Half-Life 1 Anthology - $13.49
Half-Life 2 Complete - $31.49
Half-Life 2 Episode Pack - $17.99
Heretic + HeXen Collection[2] - $8.99
LUMINES Base+Advance Pack[3] - $13.49
Max Payne Bundle (Max Payne Bundle - Western Europe) [5] - $13.49
Medieval II Gold (Medieval II Gold - Europe) [1][3] - $26.95
Meridian4 Complete Pack - $44.99
Oddworld Pack - $13.49
PopCap Favorites - $35.99
QUAKE Collection[2] - $26.99
Rockstar Collection (Rockstar Collection - Western Europe) [5] - $53.99
Sam & Max Complete - $53.99
Sam & Max Complete Season One - $26.99
Sam & Max Complete Season Two - $31.49
Sam & Max: Episodes 101 - 103 - $17.99
Sam & Max: Episodes 104 - 106 - $17.99 (Buy individually)
Shadowgrounds Pack - $17.99 (Buy individually)
Silverfall: Complete - $26.99
Source Multiplayer Pack - $26.99 (Buy individually)
SpellForce 2 Pack - $22.49
SPORE + SPORE Creepy & Cute Parts[7] - $62.98 (Buy individually)
STCC - The Game Complete - $35.99 (Buy individually)
Telltale Everything Pack - $62.99
The Gumboy Pack[/size] - $13.49 (Buy individually)
The Longest Journey + Dreamfall - $22.49
The Orange Box (The Orange Box DE) - $26.99
The Settlers Pack[5] - $31.86 (Buy individually)
The Ship - Complete Pack - $17.99
THQ Action Pack[2][4] - $44.99 (Buy individually)
Uplink/Darwinia Pack - $13.49
Wolf Pack[2] - $17.99
Xpand Rally + GTI Racing Pack - $7.19


90% Off

Bejeweled Deluxe - $0.99
DOOM II[2] - $0.99
Half-Life: Blue Shift - $0.99
Half-Life: Opposing Force - $0.99
Heavy Weapon Deluxe - $0.99
Master Levels for DOOM II[2] - $0.99
Reaxxion - $0.99
Ultimate DOOM[2] - $0.99

75% Off

BioShock[5] - $4.99
Portal - $4.99
RACE 07 - $4.99
Trials 2 Second Edition - $2.49

50% Off

688(I) Hunter-Killer - $9.99
Alpha Prime - $2.49
AudioSurf - $4.99
Bill "Spaceman" Lee's Baseball Mogul 2009 - $12.49
Birth of America - $4.99
Counter-Strike: Source - $9.99
Culpa Innata - $4.99
Dangerous Waters - $7.49
Darkstar One - $4.99
Darwinia - $4.99
Disciples II: Galleans Return - $9.99
Disciples II: Rise of the Elves - $9.99
Ducati World Championship - $2.49
Exodus from the Earth - $9.99
Fish Tycoon - $4.99
FlatOut - $4.99
FlatOut 2 - $7.49
FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage - $9.99
Fleet Command - $9.99
Ghost Master - $2.49
Gumboy - Crazy Adventures - $2.49
Heroes of Annihilated Empires - $7.49
I-Fluid - $4.99
Iron Warriors: T - 72 Tank Command - $2.49
Jack Keane - $9.99
Jagged Alliance 2 Gold - $9.99
Making History: The Calm & The Storm - $9.99
Mount and Blade - $14.99
Multiwinia - $4.99
Pacific Storm - $4.99
Pacific Storm Allies - $4.99
Peggle Deluxe - $4.99
Penguins Arena: Sedna's World - $7.49
Plant Tycoon - $4.99
Project Aftermath - $9.99
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 - $7.49
RIP - Trilogy - $2.49
Runaway, A Road Adventure - $4.99
Runaway, The Dream of The Turtle - $7.49
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky - $17.49
Sacred Gold - $4.99
Shadowgrounds - $4.99
Shadowgrounds Survivor - $7.49
Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis - $9.99
Sherlock Holmes - The Awakened - $9.99
Sid Meier's Civilization IV[5] - $14.99
Silent Hill Homecoming[5] - $24.99
Space Empires IV Deluxe - $4.99
Space Empires V - $7.49
Space Trader: Merchant Marine - $4.99
Sub Command - $9.99
Tank Universal - $4.99
Team Fortress 2 - $9.99
TrackMania United Forever - $19.99
Unreal Tournament 3[2] - $9.99
Vegas Make It Big - $2.49
Virtual Villagers: A New Home - $4.99
Virtual Villagers: The Lost Children - $4.99
Virtual Villagers: The Secret City - $4.99
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Dark Crusade - $9.99
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Gold Edition - $9.99
X2: The Threat - $4.99
X3: Reunion - $9.99

33% Off

X3: Terran Conflict - $26.79

25% Off (A-R)

7 Wonders Treasures of Seven - $7.49
7 Wonders II - $7.49
Act of War: Direct Action[6] - $14.99
Act of War: High Treason[6] - $14.99
Alien Shooter - Vengeance - $2.49
ArmA: Combat Operations[6] - $14.99
Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut Edition[5] - $22.49
Beyond Good and Evil[5] - $7.49
Blazing Angels Squadrons of WWII[5] - $7.49
Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII[5] - $14.99
Brain Spa[5] - $7.49
Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood[5] - $Birth of America - $4.99
Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway[5] - $37.49
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30[5] - $4.99
Call of Duty - $14.99
Call of Duty 2 - $14.99
Call of Duty: United Offensive[2] - $14.99
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - $37.49
Call of Juarez - $14.99
Chessmaster: Grandmaster Edition[5] - $14.99
Children of the Nile: Alexandria - $3.74
Children of the Nile: Enhanced Edition - $14.99
CivCity: Rome[5] - $14.99
Cold Fear[5] - $14.99
Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts - $14.99
Company of Heroes - $14.99
CSI: NY - The Game[5] - $22.49
Dark Messiah Might and Magic[5] - $7.49
Death to Spies[6] - $14.99
Defense Grid: The Awakening - $14.99
Desperados 2: Cooper's Revenge[6] - $14.99
Discovery! A Seek and Find Adventure - $7.49
Elf Bowling: Hawaiian Vacation - $7.49
Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars - $14.99
Far Cry[5] - $7.49
Far Cry 2[5] - $37.49
Frontlines: Fuel of War - $22.49
Full Spectrum Warrior[2] - $7.49
Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers[2] - $7.49
Galactic Bowling - $14.99
Genesis Rising - $14.99
Heroes of Might and Magic V[5] - $14.99
Heroes of Might and Magic V: Hammers of Fate [5] - $7.49
Heroes of Might and Magic V: Tribes of the East[5] - $14.99
Hinterland - $14.99
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946[5] - $7.49
Imperium Romanum Gold Edition - $29.99
Indigo Prophecy - $7.49
Jade Empire: Special Edition - $11.24
Left 4 Dead - $37.49
Little Farm - $7.49
Luxor - $7.49
Luxor 2 - $7.49
Luxor 3 - $7.49
Luxor Amun Rising - $7.49
Luxor: Quest for the Afterlife - $7.49
Money Tree - $7.49
Mosby's Confederacy - $14.99
MotoGP 08 - $29.99
Out of the Park Baseball 9 - $24.99
Pacific Fighters - $14.99
Painkiller Gold Edition - $7.49
Painkiller: Overdose - $7.49
Petz Catz 2[5] - $7.49
Petz Dogz 2[5] - $7.49
Petz Horsez 2[5] - $7.49
Prey[5] - $11.24
Prince of Persia[5] - $37.49
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time[5] - $7.49
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones[5] - $7.49
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within[5] - $7.49
Railroad Tycoon 3[5] - $7.49
Railroad Tycoon II Platinum[5] - $3.74
Rayman Raving Rabbids[5] - $7.49
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Platinum[6] - $22.49
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl[2][4] - $14.99
Samantha Swift and the Hidden Roses of Athena - $7.49
Savage 2: A Tortured Soul - $7.49
Shattered Union[5] - $7.49
Shaun White Snowboarding[5] - $22.49
Sid Meier's Civilization III Complete[5] - $3.74
Sid Meier's Pirates![5] - $7.49
Sid Meier's Railroads![5] - $14.99
Silent Hunter III[5] - $7.49
Silent Hunter: Wolves of the Pacific[5] - $14.99
Silent Hunter: Wolves of the Pacific U-Boat Missions[5] - $7.49
SpaceForce Rogue Universe - $22.49
SpellForce 2 - Dragon Storm - $14.99
SpellForce 2 - Shadow Wars - $14.99
SPORE[7] - $37.49
The Office - $7.49
The Settlers - Heritage of Kings[5] - $7.49
The Settlers - Rise of an Empire[5] - $22.49
The Settlers - Rise of an Empire Gold Edition[5] - $22.49
The Ship - $17.99
The Sum of All Fears[5] - $7.49
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition[5] - $29.99
ThreadSpace: Hyperbol - $7.49
Titan Quest - $14.99
Titan Quest - Immortal Throne - $14.99
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter[5] - $7.49
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2[5] - $14.99
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon[5] - $7.49
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Desert Siege[5] - $3.74
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Island Thunder[5] - $3.74
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Lockdown[5] - $7.49
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 Gold[5] - $7.49
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas[5] - $14.99
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2[5] - $14.99
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell[5] - $7.49
Tycoon City: New York[6] - $14.99
Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning (US/CA Only) - $37.49
World in Conflict[5] - $22.49
World of Goo - $14.99
X-COM: Apocalypse[5] - $3.74
X-COM: Enforcer[5] - $3.74
X-COM: Interceptor[5] - $3.74
X-COM: Terror from the Deep[5] - $3.74
X-COM: UFO Defense[5] - $3.74

20% Off

Aquaria - $15.99
Fallout 3 - $39.99

10% Off

18 Wheels of Steel American Long Haul - $8.99
Advent Rising - $8.99
Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures (Alternate: AoC: HA) - $35.99
Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb - $8.99
Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? - $8.99
Arx Fatalis - $4.49
AstroPop Deluxe - $8.99
Atari: 80 Classics in One[6] - $11.24
Attack on Pearl Harbor - $8.99
Battlestations: Midway - $17.99
Beijing 2008[1][5] - $17.99
Bejeweled 2 Deluxe - $8.99
Bejeweled Twist - $17.99
Big Kahuna Reef - $4.49
Big Money Deluxe - $8.99
BloodRayne - $8.99
BloodRayne 2 - $8.99
Bone Episode 1: Out From Boneville - $8.09
Bone Episode 2: The Great Cow Race - $8.09
Bookworm Adventures Deluxe - $8.99
Bookworm Deluxe - $8.99
Buccaneer: The Pursuit of Infamy - $18.99
Bullet Candy - $3.59
Bully: Scholarship Edition[7] - $26.99
Cabela's Big Game Hunter Trophy Bucks - $17.99
Call of Duty: World at War - $44.99
Championship Manager 07[5] - $26.99
Championship Manager 08[5] - $35.99
Chaos Theory - $4.49
Chuzzle Deluxe - $8.99
City Life 2008 - $26.99
Clive Barker's Jericho[2] - $8.99
Commander Keen - $4.49
Commandos 2: Men of Courage - $8.99
Commandos 3: Destination Berlin - $8.99
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines - $8.99
Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty - $8.99
Commandos: Strike Force - $8.99
Conflict: Denied Ops - $26.99
Counter-Strike - $8.99
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero - $8.99
Crazy Machines - $17.99
Crazy Machines 1.5 - $17.99
Crazy Machines 2 - $17.99
Crazy Machines 2 Add-on - $8.99
Crysis - $26.99
Crysis Warhead - $26.99
Day of Defeat - $4.49
Day of Defeat: Source - $8.99
Deathmatch Classic - $4.49
DEFCON - $8.99
Depths of Peril - $17.99
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition - $8.99
Deus Ex: Invisible War - $8.99
Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition - $17.99
DOOM 3 - $17.99
DOOM 3 Resurrection of Evil[2] - $17.99
Dr. Daisy Pet Vet - $8.99
Dracula Origin - $17.99
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey - $17.99
Dynomite Deluxe - $8.99
Earth 2160 - $4.49
Eets - $8.99
Empire: Total War - $44.99
Empires: Dawn of the Modern World - $17.99
Eternity's Child - $4.49
Europa Universalis: Rome - Gold Edition - $22.49
EVE Online: Quantum Rise - $13.49
Everyday Shooter - $8.99
Feeding Frenzy 2 Deluxe - $8.99
FIFA Manager 09[7] - $35.99
Final DOOM[2] - $8.99
Football Manager 2009[2][4][5] - $26.99
Full Pipe - $4.49
Garry's Mod - $8.99
Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved - $3.59
Gish - $8.99
Grand Theft Auto 3[5] - $8.99
Grand Theft Auto IV[5] - $44.99
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas[5] - $17.99
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City[5] - $8.99
Gravitron 2 - $4.49
GRID - $26.99
GTI Racing - $4.49
GTR Evolution (Expansion Only) - $17.99
Gumboy Tournament - $8.99
GUN[2] - $8.99
Half-Life - $8.99
Half-Life 2 - $17.99
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch - $4.49
Half-Life 2: Episode One - $8.99
Half-Life 2: Episode Two - $13.49
Half-Life: Source - $8.99
Hammer Heads Deluxe - $8.99
Happy Tree Friends False Alarm[1][3] - $8.99
Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders[2] - $4.49
HeXen[2] - $4.49
HeXen II[2] - $4.49
HeXen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel[2] - $4.49
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin - $8.99
Hitman: Blood Money - $17.99
Hitman: Codename 47 - $8.99
Hot Dish - $8.99
Hunting Unlimited 2008 - $8.99
Iggle Pop Deluxe - $8.99
Infernal - $8.99
Insaniquarium Deluxe - $8.99
Insecticide Part 1 - $13.49
Iron Man - $17.99
Joint Task Force - $17.99
Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights - $17.99
Just Cause - $
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men - $13.49
Legendary - $44.99
LEGO Batman[5] - $26.99
Loki - $17.99
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition[3] - $17.99
LUMINES[3] - $8.99
LUMINES Advance Pack[3] - $7.19
Mahjongg Investigations: Under Suspicion - $8.99
Manhunt[5] - $8.99
Mass Effect[7] - $26.99
Max Payne[5] - $8.99
Max Payne 2[5] - $8.99
Medieval II: Total War[3] - $17.99
Medieval II: Total War Kingdoms[3] - $13.49
Midnight Club 2[5] - $8.99
Midnight Outlaw: 6 Hours to Sun Up - $8.99
Monster Jam - $17.99
Mr. Robot - $8.99
Mystery P.I. - The Lottery Ticket - $8.99
Mystery P.I. - The Vegas Heist - $8.99
Need for Speed Undercover[7] - $35.99
Nexus - The Jupiter Incident - $8.99
Ninja Reflex: Steamworks Edition - $8.99
Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus - $8.99
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee - $8.99
Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One - $17.99
Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode Two - $13.49
Onimusha 3: Demon Siege - $17.99
OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast[1][3] - $8.99
Overlord - $17.99
Peggle Nights - $8.99
Pizza Frenzy Deluxe - $8.99
Planet Busters - $8.99
Poker Superstars II - $8.99
Prison Tycoon 3: Lockdown - $13.49
Pro Cycling Manager - Le Tour De France 2008 - $17.99
Project: Snowblind - $8.99
Psychonauts - $8.99
PuzzleQuest: Challenge of the Warlords - $8.99
Pyroblazer - $26.99
QUAKE[2] - $8.99
QUAKE II[2] - $8.99
QUAKE II Mission Pack: Ground Zero[2] - $4.49
QUAKE II Mission Pack: The Reckoning[2] - $4.49
QUAKE III Arena[2] - $17.99
QUAKE III Team Arena[2] - $17.99
QUAKE Mission Pack 1: Scourge of Armagon[2] - $4.49
QUAKE Mission Pack 2: Dissolution of Eternity[2] - $4.49
RACE - The WTCC Game - $22.49
RACE: Caterham Expansion - $4.49
Rag Doll Kung Fu - $8.99
Return to Castle Wolfenstein[2] - $17.99
Ricochet - $4.49
Ricochet: Infinity - $4.49
Ricochet: Lost Worlds - $4.49
Ride! Carnival Tycoon - $8.99
RoboBlitz - $8.99
Rocket Mania Deluxe - $8.99
Rogue Trooper - $8.99
Rome: Total War - Alexander[2][3] - $8.99
Rome: Total War - Gold[2][3] - $
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (Russia Only) - $8.99
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel - $44.99
Safecracker: The Ultimate Puzzle Adventure - $3.74
Sam & Max 101: Culture Shock - $8.09
Sam & Max 102: Situation: Comedy - $8.09
Sam & Max 103: The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball - $8.09
Sam & Max 105: Reality 2.0 - $8.09
Sam & Max 106: Bright Side of the Moon - $8.09
Sam & Max 201: Ice Station Santa - $8.09
Sam & Max 202: Moai Better Blues - $8.09
Sam & Max 203: Night of the Raving Dead - $8.09
Sam & Max 204: Chariots of the Dogs - $8.09
Sam & Max 205: What’s New Beelzebub? - $8.09
SEGA Rally (Outside US) [3] - $17.99
SEGA Rally Revo (US Only) - $8.99
Shattered Suns - $17.99
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword[5] - $17.99
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization[5] - $26.99
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Warlords[5] - $8.99
Silverfall - $17.99
Silverfall: Earth Awakening - $17.99
SiN Episodes: Emergence - $8.99
Soldier of Fortune: Payback - $26.99*
Space Siege[5] - $17.99
Spear of Destiny[2] - $4.49
Spectraball - $8.99
Speedball 2 Tournament - $17.99
SPORE Creepy & Cute Parts Pack[7] - $17.99
Sprint Cars Road to Knoxville - $8.99
Starscape - $8.99
STCC - The Game (Expansion Only) - $17.99
Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People: Season 1 - $31.49
Stronghold Crusader Extreme - $26.99
Stubbs The Zombie - $8.99
Talismania Deluxe - $8.99
Team Fortress Classic - $4.49
Telltale Texas Hold'em - $8.09
The Club[2][3][4] - $17.99
The Golden Compass[1][3] - $8.99
The History Channel: Civil War - A Nation Divided - $17.99
The History Channel: Battle For The Pacific[1][3] - $17.99
The Incredible Hulk: The Official Video Game[1][5] - $17.99
The Longest Journey - $8.99
The Ship Single Player - $8.99
The Wonderful End of the World - $8.99
Thief: Deadly Shadows - $17.99
Tomb Raider: Anniversary - $17.99
Tomb Raider: Legend - $17.99
Top Spin 2 - $8.99
Two Worlds - $17.99
Typer Shark Deluxe - $8.99
UFO: Afterlight - $8.99
Universe at War: Earth Assault - $17.99
Unreal 2: The Awakening[2] - $8.99
Unreal Gold[2] - $8.99
Unreal Tournament 2004: Editor's Choice Edition[2] - $13.49
Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition[2] - $8.99
Uplink - $8.99
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines - $17.99
Venice Deluxe - $8.99
Vigil: Blood Bitterness - $4.49
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Soulstorm - $26.99
Wik & The Fable of Souls - $4.49
Wolfenstein 3D[2] - $4.49
Worldwide Soccer Manager 2009[5] - $26.99
Xpand Rally - $4.49
Xpand Rally Xtreme - $13.49
Zen of Sudoku - $4.49
Zuma Deluxe - $8.99

Last edited on: 26-12-2008 23:06

Last edited on: 26-12-2008 23:37
Door Talicus (7391 reacties) op 26-12-2008 23:12
Wat een lijst.

Dat is zeker niet duur, vooral

75% Off

BioShock[5] - $4.99
Portal - $4.99

Zijn zeer netjes geprijsd.

Edit: Oh ja, was een tijdje terug niet in het nieuws dat voor Europa alle dollar-prijzen nu euro-prijzen zijn? Nog steeds niet duur, maar het scheelt wel wat...
I have sold my soul to a minor demon.
Door Thomper (106 reacties) op 26-12-2008 23:24
Yep! Alles in euro's, maar nu wel inclusief belasting. Dat was voorheen niet, bij de dollarprijzen. Dus die 5 dollar/5 euro bij Bioshock is ongeveer gelijk.

En Portal is in euro slechts 3,74, dus dat is helemaal al een mooie prijs mocht je de game nog niet hebben.
Door Talicus (7391 reacties) op 27-12-2008 20:44
Ik heb een vraagje aan iemand die eerder BioShock heeft gehaald:

Ik heb zojuist de demo gedownload (die me heel goed beviel), alleen stoorde het me een beetje dat elke keer dat ik een mail met mijn hotmail account of iemand zich aanmelde op MSN, ik uit vol-scherm ging en in windowed mode ging spelen, ook al stond in het video-opties menu nog van niet.

Herkent iemand dit probleem?
I have sold my soul to a minor demon.
Door Lexgast (1192 reacties) op 27-12-2008 20:48
jah had ik ook maar ik meld men msn gewoon af
"Sail from a paradox lost to a paradise found"
Door Thomper (106 reacties) op 31-12-2008 18:26
Nog maar even een herinnering, deze sale loopt nog twee dagen. Zo goed dat ie eigenlijk stiekem wel een frontpage post verdient, ondanks dat jullie Steam-prijzen niet opnemen in de lijsten.
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