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Deathloop [Algemeen Topic]

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Door Doobieters (30144 reacties) op 14-11-2021 22:11

Op papier lijkt Deathloop misschien niet de spannendste game, maar het Franse Arkane Studios heeft zichzelf ermee overtroffen. In Deathloop tref je alle sterke punten van Dishonored en Prey, maar dan beter uitgewerkt. Arkane heeft spelmechanieken van Dishonored gestript tot het minimum, waardoor ze waardevoller zijn. Het maakt de game er veel spannender op. Verder heeft de studio opnieuw goede levels ontworpen en een erg mooi verhaal verzonnen dat via een prima uitwaaierende serie missies wordt gepresenteerd. Het is knap dat je via de vele runs op Blackreef steeds meer informatie krijgt over je slachtoffers. Samen met de verschillende dagdelen zorgen die vele missies ervoor dat de op papier saai ogende opzet allerminst saai is. De game heeft bovendien een leuke multiplayer-component. Het grootste minpunt is dat de pc-versie wat technische problemen kent.

Ghost reportin'. Somebody call for an exterminator?
Door Doobieters (30144 reacties) op 14-11-2021 22:12
Deze had nog geen topic geloof ik?
Ghost reportin'. Somebody call for an exterminator?
Door Doobieters (30144 reacties) op 17-11-2021 14:59
Deathloop heeft negen nominaties voor de Game Awards gekregen. Daarmee heeft Bethesda's schietspel dit jaar de meeste nominaties in de wacht gesleept en maakt het daarmee kans op de Game of the Year-prijs.

Vinden jullie het GOTY waardig?
Ghost reportin'. Somebody call for an exterminator?
Door Chrispat (933 reacties) op 17-11-2021 15:28
Ja, heb het helemaal grijs gespeeld. Leek me vooraf helemaal niks maar het heeft me erg verrast. Sfeer, graphic en gameplay allemaal top.
Door Oli (109 reacties) op 17-11-2021 16:18
Zkkr weten vind het een hele goede game. Van mij mogen ze winnen.
Door Rene1982 (316 reacties) op 18-11-2021 00:22
Deathloop heeft negen nominaties voor de Game Awards gekregen. Daarmee heeft Bethesda's schietspel dit jaar de meeste nominaties in de wacht gesleept en maakt het daarmee kans op de Game of the Year-prijs.

Vinden jullie het GOTY waardig?
Gepost door: Doobieters op 17-11-2021 14:59

Nee, wel hartstikke leuk en zit best goed in elkaar maar heeft wmb absoluut niet de wow-factor om zelfs maar genomineerd te worden voor GOTY.
Psn: No127.21.26
Door Thijs92 (1249 reacties) op 18-11-2021 01:21
Voor mij terecht door de creativiteit en originaliteit die gewoon mist bij veel games deze tijd. Returnal is nog zo'n spel.
#TeamAbby #DaytonaUSA #Ganderd
Door Fpsbig (790 reacties) op 18-11-2021 08:19
Ik vond het een hele leuke game. Goty materiaal weet ik niet. Tof verhaal wat wel wat abrupt eindigt goede voice acting en leuke gameplay maar echt overdonderd was ik niet, eens met veel reviews dat ie ongv een 8.5 krijgt ga het zeker spelen als je het nog niet hebt gedaan zeker voor de prijs waarop die nu al te krijgen is op de PS5. Aan de andere kant er zijn niet zoveel games uitgekomen dit jaar die ik gespeeld heb. Zelf vind ik Prey nog steeds de beste game van Arkane studio's deathloop wel op 2 voor mij.
Door Doobieters (30144 reacties) op 18-11-2021 11:43
Ik ga er vanavond op de PC een begin aan maken. Best wel hyped door de cijfers en nominaties
Ghost reportin'. Somebody call for an exterminator?
Door Doobieters (30144 reacties) op 19-11-2021 14:00
Read on below for the patch notes.

NPC Behavior

- NPCs now react to bullets passing close by, such as headshots that miss

- NPCs now react when another is assassinated close by

- NPCs now hear better and react faster to nearby footfalls

- NPCs under fire no longer move to take cover if the player is too close

- NPCs can now deduce the direction from which a grenade was thrown

- NPCs no longer stop trying to kill Colt if Julianna uses Nexus to link him to them

- Interrupted aerial assassinations will no longer cause NPCs to become mostly invulnerable

- Numerous other small fixes and improvements to NPC behavior, reactions, pathing, and placement

- Charlie Montague no longer gets stuck in the floor or ground if he’s kicked while using Shift

Quality of Life/Accessibility

- Added controller remapping and left/right stick inversion

- UI buttons and text in options menu are now larger, as are their selectable areas

- [PS5] Added Field-of-View and motion-blur options.

We continue to listen to community feedback and explore more quality of life and accessibility options for a future update.


- Colt dropping the game now counts as a win for a player-controlled Julianna

- AI-controlled Julianna is now more reactive to Colt’s actions

- The antenna that Colt must hack to escape now takes slightly longer to hack

- AFK players are tagged

- Colt players who linger in Colt’s tunnels for too long are automatically tagged and that causes the tunnel doors to open

- Higher chance that you will invade players on your Friends list while they are playing in ‘Online mode’

- Strelak Sapper Charges thrown by NPCs that Julianna has attacked will no longer create false Colt tags for Julianna

- Players now properly hear audio reactions from the opposing player during melee

- Strelak Sapper Charges will now stick to Julianna as they do to other NPCs

User Interface

- The UI is now clearer regarding Residuum loss on death

- The appearance of weapons and other items is improved within the Loadout UI

- The UI HUD will now properly display updates made to key bindings and controls

- The game will now pause fully during the Game Over splash screen

- Melee will now be labeled correctly when in the weapon cycle on a controller (Y)

- When aiming down sights, crosshairs will no longer disappear while the player is close enough to an NPC to perform an assassination

- The Heritage Gun’s reticle will now indicate the increased scatter from the Scattergun perk

- [PC] Players will no longer be asked to confirm changes to visual settings if nothing was changed

- [PC] Fixed an issue in which mouse wheel sensitivity was overreduced when zooming in or out to view a weapon in the Loadout UI

Misc. Gameplay

- Duplicate Slab upgrades are now converted to a harvestable Residuum object

- In Karl’s Bay, Harriet and her cultists can no longer shoot at Colt through the closed security door to her office

- Also in Karl’s Bay, a certain window in Hangar 2 has been restored to its intended functionality

- Strelak Sapper Charges can no longer be thrown in a way that enables the player to clip through doors or other surfaces

- Kicking a Strelak Sapper Charge while “cooking” it no longer causes the Charge to explode and no longer causes subsequent Charges to disappear when thrown

- Turret placement can no longer be used as a way to enable the player to clip through doors or other surfaces

- Hackable antennas now give clearer audiovisual feedback of their hacked status

- Fixed an issue that could result in Colt having 2 guns in the same hand or one gun in the left hand instead of the right hand after a reprise

- Fixed an issue that could prevent a weapon from being further reloaded if player switched to a same ammunition type while reloading then switched back to original weapon

- Fixed an issue that could cause the Hackamajig not to be automatically equipped to an empty hand when first picked up

- Fixed an issue that could lead to a player using the Shift Slab to reach a ledge, triggering the vaulting action, and getting stuck in the ledge instead of vaulting it

- Fixed a case in which 2-Bit interactions were not working as intended

- Fixed an issue that caused some hackable doors to become unopenable if kicked while hacking

- More than one turret can no longer occupy the same space

- Fixed an issue that could trap players if Fia’s large bunker doors close on them


- Fixed an issue in which the player could unequip the machete during an assassination animation

- Corrected some issues with FSR integration and improved overall implementation.

- Fixed in issue in which the player could unequip a jammed gun during the unjamming animation

- Fixed bugs, including some that could cause crashes, related to the DLSS and ray tracing graphics options

- Fixed numerous minor visual glitches, including some related to indirect lighting

- Fixed or improved numerous audio details and timings, including some improved voiceover lines

- Improved audio mixing across the board

- Fixed an issue that could cause graphical glitching when a door is opened at the same time a sensor closes it

- Turret indicator lights now no longer function if the turret’s battery is destroyed

- The hostile/friendly indicator lights on Field Nullifiers are now consistent with those on turrets

- Fixed an issue that caused deactivated turrets to sound as though they’re deployed when thrown or dropped

- Fixed an issue that rarely caused closed doors to appear as though they’re open

Achievements/Trophies and Feats

- Fixed an issue that enabled Julianna to be rewarded with duplicate trinkets

- Fixed an issue that prevented the “Ensemble Tragedy” achievement from being rewarded properly

- Fixed an issue that prevented Julianna from earning the Double Vision feat if killing Colt via assassination while Masquerading as a Visionary

- Fixed an issue that enabled Julianna players to earn the Sorceress feat even if weapons were used

- Fixed an issue that counted Colt’s own deaths to Julianna’s gunfire toward the “Don’t Mind Me” achievement


- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash while using the Strelak Verso

- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash if Colt dies just as a cinematic begins

- Fixed an issue that could rarely cause the game to become unresponsive on exiting the Journal

- [PC] Fixed an issue that could cause the game to become unresponsive while remapping controls from keyboard to controller or vice versa


- Fixed an issue that could cause the first weapon to be dropped when the Julianna player picks up multiple weapons at once

- Fixed an issue that could cause the mission results screen and progression to be skipped for the Julianna player if that player goes straight to Invasion matchmaking after successfully breaking the loop as Colt and watching the game credits

- Fixed an issue that could cause the “network connection to the server failed” message to remain on-screen after being resolved

- Fixed an issue that could cause Julianna to spawn above the ground, having to briefly fall before being able to move

Fixed an issue that caused the visual effects of Karnesis, when used on an NPC, not to appear from Julianna’s point of view
Ghost reportin'. Somebody call for an exterminator?
Door SgtBudgetGamer (1617 reacties) op 31-01-2022 09:36
Ik speel het nu een paar uur en hoewel het concept gaaf is en me zeker trekt, ben ik tot zo ver nog totaal niet te spreken over het spel.

Als het op een tv speelt dat 3 à 4 meter minstens van jou vandaan staat dan zijn alle hints die ze geven in een veels te kleine font wat mij betreft. Nu is dit meer een voorkeur, maar mijn echte irritatie zit 'm in het feit dat ik nu al een paar keer had dat ik midden in een gunfight naar een bevroren spel zit te kijken. Ik geef het nog een paar kansen maar dit vind ik echt slecht voor een PS5 spel met alle updates binnen die al zo lang uit is.
An organised mind is a disciplined mind and a disciplined mind, is a powerful mind.
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