Tailsknux bedankt!
Last edited on: 12-11-2014 09:48
Last edited on: 23-11-2014 10:33
꿈에서 멀어져도 절대 서러워하지 않고 달려가 난 아직 어려

꿈에서 멀어져도 절대 서러워하지 않고 달려가 난 아직 어려

Wat kan je precies met deze invite?
Gepost door: Kh_puma op 28-10-2014 15:44
Gepost door: Kh_puma op 28-10-2014 15:44
De telefoon OnePlus One kopen.
Kan niet zonder invite.
XBOX: BENx1996 | PSN: BENx1996 | STEAM: BENx1996
@Tailsknux, hartelijk dank voor je reactie, hoe krijg je die code dan van hun? Hoe werkt dat?
Deze site? http://www.reddit.com/r/oneplus/comments/2ili8a/invite_giveaway_megathread/
꿈에서 멀어져도 절대 서러워하지 않고 달려가 난 아직 어려

If you can’t do great things, try to do small things in a great way

@DunTee, das lief van je

꿈에서 멀어져도 절대 서러워하지 않고 달려가 난 아직 어려
net gepost door een administrator op en ander forum.
So how are you all enjoying your OnePlus Ones? We've ramped up production month by month to meet the seemingly unquenchable demand for the OnePlus One. Dedicated fans who have been following our progress should have little problem finding an invite these days.
Now down to the nitty gritty. Contrary to popular belief, invites are not dead in a post pre-order world. However, since most of you have already purchased a device, the invites focus again shifts to shareables. This month, all customers who purchased the phone in August, September, and October will receive 3 shareable invites lasting 7 days. It’s a tall task and we've upped our production yet again to keep up with the demand. Secondly, all forum members up to at least 320K will receive 1 day individual invites. Our forum members are increasing rapidly and it’s great to see you all sticking around even after purchasing the device.
The goal going forward is to further reach the mainstream audience. We've all seen OnePlus grow tremendously these last couple of months. We've grown with the support of this community. In order to take the next step as a company and create more great products, we need to gain more mainstream support. We’re positively certain we will accomplish this goal together!
꿈에서 멀어져도 절대 서러워하지 않고 달려가 난 아직 어려

꿈에서 멀어져도 절대 서러워하지 않고 달려가 난 아직 어려
Awesome, mocht ik van meerdere leden ontvangen dan deel ik ze vervolgens hier weer
op het budgetgaming forum!
Gepost door: Stefanfjk op 01-11-2014 12:06

Gepost door: Stefanfjk op 01-11-2014 12:06
Dan houd ik me aanbevolen!